Sexual Harassment at Uber
Susan Fowler, a former site reliability engineer, at Uber describes in full detail her unbelievable experiences and employment at Uber. Illustrated in her personal blog, she speaks of the unspeakable sexual harassment and blatant sexism that targeted her and her female colleagues in November 2015.
It’s outrageously disturbing to know this still exists and swept under the rug at a company so well-known and at a time that is the 21st century. Susan describes a series of events that sound like a movie plot story, but instead played out in her real life and at her employment at Uber.
On her first official day, her manager propositioned her for sex on the company’s chat platform since her manager was in an open relationship with his girlfriend and could not find any action. He started approaching his female subordinates.

Sexual harassment has been an ongoing issue at the car-sharing app company, Uber.
When she documented and saved her email correspondence to report this, she was told by HR that he wouldn’t be punished because he was a high performer and needed in the company. HR also informed her that since this was only his first offense, it’s best not to escalate things.
She was given the option to switch teams, but was warned if she stayed, most likely, she will receive a negative performance review by her boss ( who harassed her) and that this would not be considered retaliation since she was a given a choice.

Support companies that do not promote sexism. Uber’s sexist treatment of female employees remains a serious issue.
Other female employees had also reported sexual harassment by the same manager and were all told nothing would happen since this was his first offense which is an outright lie.
Stories after stories continue about the sexism and injustices for women at Uber. Another scenario described that the company bought leather jackets as perks for men, but did not for women since the men’s jackets were purchased at a bulk, economic price, and the women’s jackets were at full-price which needed justification for buying even though there were only six females in that department.
The non-stop discrimination towards women did not stop there. Susan was declined for a Uber-sponsored Stanford CS graduate program where she was eligible for and have been working diligently towards. Because of her incessant reporting, she also received negative performance reviews which ultimately blocked her transfer to another team.
She was victim-blamed and her hope for HR to help protect her from sexual harassment backfired and instead HR told her she’d be fired for reporting anything more.
These stories are countless. If you google them, you will see Uber at it’s core…An Unethical company that thrives on sexual harassment.
Please do not continue to support Uber or use their services.
Private limo companies such as ours, A & E Worldwide Limo, actively recruit and employs female drivers and dispatchers with respect and gratitude.
A&E Worldwide Limo is also one of the first female-owned companies in the Los Angeles area and was started by Ms. Leah Katzin, Adir Katzin’s mother.